Sunday, May 13, 2007

Who Are The Brain Police?

Only in America could it be that large numbers of people could forget that Vietnam was a *Democratic Party* war and that the party didn't turn antiwar until the war was over for most American troops.

Or that the dims controlled Congress throughout Reagan's terrorist campaigns in Central America and elsewhere during the 80s. Or that it was Carter who first started supporting the contras, not to mention the El Salvadoran death state, *pre*-Reagan.

And only here could it be that large numbers of people could forget that almost every dim voted for the war in Iraq and that the party last time out ran a pro-war candidate for pres.

The notion of taking care of the vets is not only delusional but hysterical, given the track record reaching all the way back to the Continental Army.

What will you do
when the people you knew
were the plastic that melted
and the chromium, too.

Who are the brain police?

1 comment:

Gary Sisco said...

This just in. That goddammed Liberal Media is up to it again:

Veterans for Common Sense Daily News:

CBS Fires Retired General Who Spoke Out About Iraq War Fiasco

CBS fires Gen. Batiste over VoteVets ad; Iraq veteran Gen. John
Batiste has been asked to leave his position as a consultant to
CBS News over a new VoteVets ad criticizing the Iraq war.